Lullaby Health

Alternative medicine and driving – is it legal?

Australians love their cars. Nearly 70% of us use a car to get to work. Another 5% get a lift in someone else’s car. Some of us don’t just drive to work but also for work – that includes truckies, paramedics, posties, farmers and Uber drivers. And many of us rely on the car for day trips to the beach, visits to friends and family or running errands. 

So the question of whether or not you can drive when taking alternative medicine is a very important one. The answer depends on your prescription and on the laws where you live. 


A recap on alternative medicine

Alternative medicine is derived from two components in the cannabis plant:

  • delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) 
  • cannabidiol (CBD). 

Depending on your health needs, you may be prescribed alternative medicine that contains: 

  • THC
  • CBD
  • both THC and CBD.

It’s very important to talk to your doctor about driving so they prescribe the right type of alternative medicine for your needs. 


Can I drive while taking alternative medicine?  

It depends. 

The Alcohol and Drug Foundation states that, if your medicine contains only CBD, you can legally drive – as long as your ability to drive is not affected. That introduces a grey area so it’s important to be aware of the laws in your state (see our overview below).

THC is intoxicating. It can impair your driving ability and create a sense of being high. In fact, even if you don’t feel high (CBD can moderate that), you can still be impaired

It is illegal to drive with any amount of THC in your system – and it can stay in your system for a long time. THC can be detected in your saliva for 6 hours-3 days after use and in your blood or urine for up to a month. 


Driving laws in Australia

Across Australia, you can be charged with a drug-related driving offence if there’s any detectable THC in your system. Police consider that THC has a similar effect to alcohol in impairing your driving ability by reducing your attention, concentration and reaction time. 

For CBD-only medication, the clarity of the legal situation varies by state. Some states don’t mention CBD-only medication at all, others clearly state that it is acceptable to drive as long as you’re not impaired. 


State Driving on THC Driving on CBD
Qld Illegal No clear statement
NSW Illegal “Patients taking cannabidiol(CBD)-only medicines can lawfully drive if they are not impaired. As CBD can cause drowsiness, fatigue and lowered blood pressure, patients should discuss usage and risk of impairment with their treating doctor.” 
Victoria Illegal “Patients taking cannabidiol-only medicines can lawfully drive, as long as they are not impaired.” 
WA Illegal “Products containing cannabis can impair attention, concentration, reaction time and judgement which affect a person’s fitness to drive and operate machinery…It is therefore recommended that people using medicinal cannabis do not drive.” 
SA Illegal No explicit statement on CBD but a blanket statement that, “Patients should not drive or operate machinery while being treated with medicinal cannabis.”
Tas “Driving with any detectable amount of THC in your system is an offence in Tasmania unless the product was obtained and administered in accordance with the Poisons Act 1971.” No explicit statement on CBD but, “It is recommended that patients do not drive whilst being treated with medicinal cannabis.” 
NT “It is an offence in the Northern Territory (NT) to drive if you have a prohibited drug in your body.” No clear statement on CBD.
ACT Illegal No clear statement on CBD.


So, how do you know if your driving ability is impaired? That’s not only a question for patients on alternative medicine – it’s relevant to all medicines. On its page on medicines and road safety, the Victorian government recommends looking for signs such as: 

  • drowsiness
  • aggression
  • dizziness
  • nausea
  • light-headedness
  • blurred or double vision
  • Shakiness.


What happens if you get pulled over and drug tested? 

The Alcohol and Drug Foundation notes that:

  • Random saliva tests can detect THC for 12 hours after use in infrequent users
  • Random saliva tests can detect THC for around 30 hours in frequent users
  • Urine samples can detect THC for around a month after last use.

Roadside drug testing usually relies on a saliva sample. It takes around 3 minutes to analyse the test on the side of the road. 

If that test is positive, you may be charged with a drug-related driving offence. The fact that THC is a prescription drug won’t make usually any difference to your situation. Penalties include driving bans, fines and even imprisonment. 

If your test is negative but the police still suspect your driving ability is impaired by a drug they can’t detect, they may ask you to complete a standard impairment test. They’ll assess your balance, coordination and overall behaviour. Once that’s done, they may ask you for a blood or urine test to determine if there are drugs in your system. You can refuse to do this – but you may then be charged with a refusal offence


How can we help? 

At Lullaby Health, we aim to help you find a solution for the difficulties you face. Unlike many other clinics, we offer a high level of ongoing support as you adjust to alternative medicine. That includes helping you manage the implications of your medicine for driving. 

Some of our patients live with such significant health difficulties that they no longer drive anyway. If that’s you, then we can consider alternative medicine containing THC or CBD. 

Other patients, however, are still quite active and need to be able to drive. If that’s you, then please tell us. We can factor your driving needs into our recommendations and discuss the most suitable form of alternative medicine with you.   

If you have any concerns about alternative medicine and driving, please contact us on 1300 375 384. 

For more information visit any of these websites



Lullaby Health is not promoting the use of medical cannabis. Medical cannabis does affect every person differently, due to factors such as size, weight, health, dosage, tolerance, and age. Medical cannabis might not work for you, and you might experience side effects. Information provided by Lullaby Health is for educational and informational purposes only. For medical advice, please refer to your doctor. Medical cannabis in Australia is regulated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration and details about cannabis as a scheduled drug can be found on their website.

Everything you and your doctor need to know about plant medicine
Everything you and your doctor need to know about alternative medicine

Alternative medicine is still relatively new in Australia meaning that you (and your doctor) may have questions about it. 

Lullaby Health’s doctors are highly experienced prescribers of alternative medicine. Here, we answer some of the most common questions we’re asked about it. 


Is it legal? 

Yes. In 2016, Australia legalised the use of alternative medicine on prescription. 


Can any doctor prescribe alternative medicine? 

Yes…but it’s a little more complicated than prescribing other medications. 

Only a couple of alternative medicine drugs are included in Australia’s register of therapeutic goods. That means most alternative medicine is currently classed as an ‘unapproved therapeutic good’ and doctors need special permission to prescribe it. 

They can do this in two ways: 

  • Applying to the Special Access Scheme for each patient they treat
  • Becoming an Authorised Prescriber, meaning they have received permission to treat patients as they see fit and don’t need permission for each individual patient (Lullaby Health doctors are authorised prescribers). 


Can’t I just buy some online? 

We understand the temptation but no.  

Firstly, self-diagnosis is problematic. Your doctor is trained to assess your condition, consider all the available treatments and recommend a way forward that meets your needs and your broader situation (such as your job requirements). In rushing to diagnose yourself and obtain the treatment you think best, you may easily miss something. 

Secondly, as you’ll be ordering from overseas, your package must go through customs – who are authorised to seize it as it can only be imported by licensed doctors, not consumers. You’ll probably just lose the money you’ve paid. 


How is it different from street versions? 

In so many ways. All medicines – including alternative medicine – are highly regulated and subject to strict quality controls. That’s vital to ensure consistency and stability so that each dose is the same. 

None of those safeguards exists for street versions. They may be contaminated by pesticides, fertilisers or heavy metals found in soil and they may vary considerably in their strength, which may cause more intense effects than you anticipated. 


What might alternative medicine help with? 

Alternative medicine aims to complement the mainstream care you’re receiving for your health needs. 

Mainstream treatment tends to have a stronger evidence base and a longer history of clinical use, giving us greater confidence in its effectiveness. However, some patients may find that they’re still battling troublesome symptoms or that the mainstream treatment itself causes unpleasant side effects. 

This is where alternative medicine may play a role. It may help to alleviate some of the symptoms that still trouble you, such as sleep difficulties or nausea. 


How does alternative medicine work? 

Alternative medicine interacts with a vast network of chemical signals and cellular receptors densely packed throughout your brain and body. This network helps to regulate many important aspects of your life, such as your appetite, temperature or alertness, for example. 

The active ingredients in alternative medicine bind to some of those receptors, influencing aspects such as pain or sleep.


How do you take alternative medicine? 

While street versions are usually smoked, legal alternative medicine is often taken by mouth in the form of oils, pills or dried flower products.  


What’s the difference between CBD and THC? 

CBD and THC are the two most common active ingredients in alternative medicine. THC is the chemical that gets people high. CBD does not cause intoxication.


How pricey is it? 

The vast majority of alternative medicine products have not been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration and so are not covered by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). 

If you have private health insurance, your fund may cover your treatment but may set an annual limit or a maximum rebate per prescription. 

So, yes, you’re likely to have some out-of–pocket costs for your treatment. At Lullaby Health, we explain your likely costs before you decide to proceed with treatments so that you can make an informed financial decision. 


Are there any side effects? 

All medicines have side effects that some patients may experience. Common side effects of alternative medicine include:

  • Fatigue
  • Vertigo
  • Nausea 
  • Fever
  • Changes to appetite
  • Dry mouth
  • Diarrhoea. 

In addition, THC may cause:

  • Convulsions
  • Highs and lows
  • Depression
  • Confusion
  • Hallucinations or delusions
  • Psychosis
  • Thinking things that aren’t true (cognitive distortions). 


What about driving? 

The Alcohol and Drug Foundation states that, if your medicine contains only CBD, you can legally drive – as long as your ability to drive is not affected. That introduces a grey area so it’s important to be aware of the laws in your state.

It is illegal to drive with any amount of THC in your system. THC is intoxicating.  It can impair your driving ability and create a sense of being high. In fact, even if you don’t feel high (CBD can moderate that), you can still be impaired

Be aware that THC can stay in your system for a long time. THC can be detected in your saliva for 6 hours-3 days after use and in your blood or urine for up to a month. 


How can Lullaby Health help? 

At Lullaby Health, we aim to help you find a solution for the difficulties you face. Unlike many other clinics, we offer a high level of ongoing support as you adjust to alternative medicine. 

With us, you have access to experienced doctors who can help you understand how alternative medicine works and how it may help you. Our goal is not simply to dash off a prescription but to help you find a way through the difficulties you’re facing. 

Please contact us to find out more. 



Lullaby Health is not promoting the use of medical cannabis. Medical cannabis does affect every person differently, due to factors such as size, weight, health, dosage, tolerance, and age. Medical cannabis might not work for you, and you might experience side effects. Information provided by Lullaby Health is for educational and informational purposes only. For medical advice, please refer to your doctor. Medical cannabis in Australia is regulated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration and details about cannabis as a scheduled drug can be found on their website.



Compliance information

In Australia, healthcare advertising is regulated by AHPRA (practitioners and services) and the TGA (therapeutic goods and medical devices). Specific restrictions apply to advertising alternative medicine products.  

We seek to provide you with compliant copy but remind you that compliance remains your responsibility. We ask that you review this copy carefully to check that you have met your compliance obligations.  That includes checking any links or references provided. We aim to verify claims by citing reputable sources such as studies, professional groups or major health organisations and charities. Please ensure you are happy with the sources used to verify claims made in your copy (if not, please provide an alternative source)